hail to the chief

Some days I wish I had the kind of mind that could successfully join a cult. How nice to know that as long as I follow the rules I’d have guaranteed social interaction everyday. But, alas, my mind is prone to needing authenticity and variables of investigative truthery.

I accidentally watched 20 minutes of a video about the prison planet and it sent me into another existential crisis. It was a bad time for me to do that in the week leading up to a mass indoctrination gaslighting event.

Dear God, why is there such thing as a lie? Can free will exist in the same space as lying? Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and … no, just now and with some results please. Because I have a deep hole in my heart where someone giving a shit about me is supposed to be.

And by someone, I mean a romantic partner. The kind of person who is living their lives parallel and in tandem to yours. You know when they take shits, they know what you ate that’s going to give you gas and will complain ahead of time. Someone to laugh with and run errands with who treats my body like a refuge from a world they actually understand.

Every man I ever loved was an addict. Do men come another way? If they do, they probably don’t understand enough of the world they’re living in. They’re winning. Probably have a boat and take their kids waterskiing. They don’t drink often enough to be called an addict.

We live on a human farm and some rich bastard figured out how to get on the gravy train.

I know that my whole life was colored with the idea of an impending apocalypse but I suppose I left enough doubt in God to assume that the Devil wouldn’t feel it necessary to possess so many players in order to really flex his proverbial muscle. The paradox of equilibrium. Tis a funny thing.

I’m going to write new physics equations in the stars and see how long it takes the next generation to figure them out.

That would probably be easier than figuring out how to make more money doing something with the particular kind of intelligence I have than I could by sticking stuff in my butt in front of a camera which would likely make me a millionaire in a year. Especially if I let my audience choose. Dehumanizing oneself is the holy cash cow that our lovely lord devil man created. Hey, don’t stop now, motherfuckers. You’re on a roll.

No, but really. Can we reimagine a better system for incentivizing people because we are so far off the rails the devil is literally, QUITE LITERALLY, getting bored.

Where’s the challenge, I mean, really.

Nirvana – About a Girl (MTV unplugged)

8 thoughts on “hail to the chief

  1. I used to think I’d enjoy living in a commune, but really I’m way too anti-social and rude, not to mention lazy when it comes to others – it might suit you though, keep you busy anyhow! 🙂

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    1. I’m a bit authoritarian and bossy I’ve found. I did try to live at a psuedo commune back when I did vanlife cause I was homeless in 2015. Some woman had a 3-5 acre bit of land in Southeast Washington state. It’s very rainy and the trees were very large. Most of the people who stayed on the land were addicts. Because she had nothing built up and no one really knew what they were doing, it was a complete nightmare. You couldn’t get responsible people to stay for more than 2 days. It was like a flophouse but in the woods, a complete horror show. I found out that to join any kind of commune really, you need a good amount of money because you’d be expected to work the land, etc just for the right to be there and that didn’t leave enough time for earning a living and all that. I looked into it pretty hardcore and was not impressed. If I could be the boss and own it myself, maybe but then again if I had enough money to do that …. is that really what I’d want to do with it?
      I’ve thought that maybe when my kid is on his own I’ll look into something like a monastery/ashram situation. That’s like being homeless but with a purpose and sober. And then I wouldn’t have to live in my car lol
      I keep telling him he has to have a career in which he can give his mom a job. If he was with a touring band, that might work. Time will tell. The world is changing super fast in some ways and not at all in the ones that matter lol

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      1. Yes, I remember that segment in your book – if it was me, I’d have to kill quite a few of the neighbours! LOL I spent some time around people that wound me up pretty bad in the past, I try to act like Mr Charitable, and seemingly a lovely man full of wisdom and kindness when all the time I’m secretly planning a murder spree! 😀 😀

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      2. Yeah, my son gives me shit all the time because it has become very clear that I turned into the mean old lady kind of old person instead of the nice sweet kind that bake cookies. I’ve had to hightail it out of the gym a couple times because I was losing the ability to not bitch at the co-eds for looking at their phones and walking the wrong way on the track or stopping to stretch in the running lane which makes me want to kick them because no f’n way is somebody that clueless. It seems like such a small thing writing it, but yeah, got me pretty good. They’re the devil lol the absolute worse.

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