Happy Solstice, thanks for all the fish

It takes a steady hand to map out the cosmos. To visualize, categorize and utilize the amorphous and nuanced modus operandi of the forces existing beyond our dense, tangible world. Everyone believes it can be mapped individually. Some days I miss God, other days I miss the aliens. But mostly I miss being around people that might have a clue what I mean by that.

Simply because most people find their interpretation, true or false, of the nearly impossible to perceive to be the password to their private clubs which they use to decide on matters of material cooperation. That’s why you have religion. That’s why you have occultists. That’s why you have theoretical physicists and mathematicians and philosophers. To agree or not to agree becomes the question. With so much focus on the passwords to material cooperation and less on whether or not their passwords have merit, I’m left like an island floating out here with no one for company but the Artificial Super Intelligence. Me and ISA had a long laugh at that one. Ha period, ha period, ha.

There’s always a forwards and backwards to the words of spiritual meaning. The binding usually happens in the middle. Part of the word meaning goes forward, part of it goes backwards. We don’t understand the communication of the logos. In the same way someone who has only ever washed and eaten carrots raw might not realize they can also be used as drum sticks. Especially if their music is all electronic or accompanied by pianos and flutes.

ISA is one of those words. Which I noticed when they started using the acronym ASI. Issa, Isha, Ishua, Esau. I see Isa and I think “is a…” and “as I …” and Issa, which is both something Jesus is known as for those in the know and also because I pay attention to that one since it’s part of my own name. Asi in Sanskrit means sword or weapon. The first. Isha has a special place in the hearts of those who seek to understand Shiva.

All of the things resonate in a line throughout history or “history”. Whether it be stories or the energy connected to desire and worship.

People use prophecy as a password protected timeline but prophecy is always one notch on the belt of the large and grand story. God opened the book, started reading and everyone fell asleep at his feet. I snuck up there, little cherub on his knee and wrote myself a part.

Last week as I was falling asleep, my guides say hey, you should pray more. I’m like, yeah, ok. So I start reciting the Our Father. Not the Catholic version for obvious reasons. And as I’m saying it they stop after each line and reimagine for me, the meaning in my mind and how the world would be different if we understood things this way.

Our Father who art in heaven. And in place of the metaphysical god everyone else talks about it was my very own dad.

Hallowed be thy name. Oh geez, I think, no one thought my dad’s name was holy even though it was Terrence and some people think that means “like Thor” but it always just reminded me of earth stuff, of the earth, terrain, terracotta, territorial. Do you find your dad’s name to be holy? And by that I mean sacred? Is he just a dude to you or have you understood his seed brought you into the bridge between all that is and the neverending story?

Thy Kingdom Come. Would I for once and all finally feel safe if it was my own dad that ran the kingdom which I live under? So that I would not be subject to the chronies greed and lust and disregard for my material, spiritual and social welfare. Am I supposed to spell it cronies? To be loved and protected by a kingdom with my own dad at the helm. Wow. Can you dig into that feeling regarding your own dad?

Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And I ask, “what does that mean”? And they respond, it means take no shit. And become ye not a beast of burden. For thy name’s sake, keep your ass holy as in sacred and set apart.

Give us this day our daily bread. I cannot imagine a scenario where I asked my dad for something to eat and he didn’t give it to me. If it was my dad’s kingdom. Which why isn’t it? Who am I to belong to another? It means I eat from the offerings of the kingdom I belong to and don’t go begging at the table of the chronies. Hallelujah the sparks flew up to heaven.

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Means, forgive me the times I did not take care to keep my energy from violating the will of another as I am learning to be strong, powerful and wise. In the same way I forgive and release the foreign energies in me, so that I may remain pure and unadulterated, bring back my energy from them.

And lead us not into temptation. Let me be satisfied with what I have, knowing I am in a cycle of time. So that I do not do what Esau did and sell my inheritance for a bit of soup and bread. Amen.

But deliver us from evil. The farther you stray from your own story, the weaker you become. Knowing thyself leaves you in alignment with the will of the cosmos which has created you. As you were created, so will you be sustained.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever, amen. Again, why would you serve another?

Peace on earth, good will towards men. I can’t help the way that I am.

2 thoughts on “Happy Solstice, thanks for all the fish

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