sects and farming

I get moments of lucidity lately. A passing flash where this place is completely unreal and it feels like a dream. I’m awake in the dream and I lift my head above the water to breathe. It’s easy to tell you aren’t a tree or a bush, it’s not as easy to tell you aren’t like the other humans wandering around dreaming. Maybe you’re a bunny and just can’t see your own tail.

Here I am again about to talk about the things that the guy who ruined my whole life told me it would be better to kill myself than talk about. Isn’t that funny? It’s funny because it isn’t real. It’s so ridiculous, it can’t be taken seriously. Getting grabbed by that guy when I was a kid while I was trying to pretend to be a journalist, not real. Bringing a bag of clothes to legitimate crack whores, not real. Bringing pizza to a couple of hobos while they flew a sign and sat on a curb, not real. Getting kicked out of college with one class left of my degree, not real. The owls swooping at the car I was in with the sociopath trying to ruin my son’s life, not real. Sleeping on the ground in the open at Lorry State Park hoping an animal didn’t get me, not real. And this too, the tapes that play in the background of my mind while I do my time in bumcluck farm country, not real.

I started watching a movie about pirates starring Tom Hanks. It’s fun to imagine being that clever. Clever enough to defeat a group of men with machine guns who are trying to steal from you, with nothing but your wits. I’ve also been binge watching Jerseylicious. I don’t know why I get obsessed with the Jersey shows but when the vibe is like this, nothing better will do. All the hair and pretty people and family, family, family and I pretend I have family too. Where, by God, do they get all the money for such things. Family. People who have successful businesses make it look so easy. But I know this place isn’t real and everything on the surface hides the true story underneath.

If the laws of physics were described in terms of what emotions they represented, we might have turned into Star Trek explorers by now not only visiting planets but creating them. Desire, grief, love are all represented by physics equations they pretend to be too stupid to know so they don’t have to tell you. If you could create a whole planet, what parts of earth would you include? Would you include foxes and birds?

Spirituality teaches me that I am not in control of anything and to find peace I should stop trying to get out of the chinese finger prison by maintaining stillness and figure out how to escape samsara by realizing that everything I take for real, isn’t real. Spirituality also teaches me that I am in control of everything and I only need to wish for what I want and use my will power to create it. Spirituality also teaches me of karma and evil and saviors and magicians and that money is the root of all evil but not what to do when all the evil people have all the money. It teaches me that drugs are bad and pain is all in your mind and poverty is a sign of laziness and sloth. But it also teaches that there is and isn’t a creator who loves and doesn’t love and I might be being punished but I also just might not be trying hard enough.

So which is it? Nothing and everything and chaos and bliss. Fragility and wishful thinking. Sex and farming. To say they/we worship idols is hiding the real truth. They worship themselves, we worship ourselves and we’re never sure if we should and we wonder about the people who are sure and we think very highly of ourselves for wondering that. So we create something to believe in that is not ourselves and worship that. And think about how awesome we are for doing that. We’ll probably get rewarded. And so on and so on and so on.

7 thoughts on “sects and farming

      1. The older I get the less I know it seems! I was watching tv the other night thinking how most of the shit on there is aimed at people so much younger than me, I can just see plain as day how screwed up the world is, and the people! Crikey!!

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      2. Getting older has definitely enlightened me to why I thought the way I did and made some of the decisions I did when I was younger. A lot gets pushed at young people and you just can’t help believing those things when you don’t realize how the world works. Not that an older person could ever explain it but I see now and it’s like ugh, geez.
        I remember my grandma giving me a hard time about some of the things I wanted to buy and I thought she just didn’t know about modern stuff. cringe. She was trying to help, I never really listened.

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      3. I was thinking of that song “Wish I knew then what I know now” (which I don’t actually like because that’s totally impossible!) Although some people seem to have it figured out pretty early – (perhaps they know the trick and did the time switch?)

        Anyhow, I was just thinking, yeah, you made a pretty bold mistake that day my friend! LOL Well I made many mistakes, often, and a lot! I made mistakes all day long, every day, for years!!

        Some of those tv programs I was talking about, they demonstrate that so well, what passed for entertainment when I was younger just looks like total wrong headedness to me today!

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  1. I’m not really troubled by it, it is what it is as they say – it just amazes me how dumb young people (in general) are compared to older folks – actually I’m amazed older people didn’t want to throttle me when I was younger, quite a few of them did, but even so, they were remarkably restrained! I thought it was because they are all asshats, but really it was the other way around!! 😂😂😂

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