I almost forgot the best part

I should have written this into the last post but to edit it now…


my kid got nominated for this amazing opportunity to play music in Europe as a Midwest ambassador. Only five percent of the kids in our state got nominated. He is actually amazing and dedicated to all the music stuff and I totally get the nomination. It was super cool to see. The info meeting was held on Mother’s Day. I was feeling like a good mother. He’d fly into London, get to see Paris and Austria, Switzerland, Germany, visit all the cool places, playing shows and getting some real cultural enrichment too. I mean… Switzerland!!!


drum roll please….

it costs 8 grand. Plus food and spending money for 2 weeks in Europe. Sigh and um, no.

That’s what gave me the “this place ain’t even f’ing real” vibe on top of all the other stuff. It was just so much emotional weirdness. So much like just one more lesson. And please, sir, may I have another.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to … (say it with me) prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

It’s all good.

Peace ❤

7 thoughts on “I almost forgot the best part

    1. yeah, crazy right? to go play music in some sort of cultural exchange – what happened to group rates or dorm accommodations. The set up reminds me of those time share things lol but for band kids – oh wow we have an amazing opportunity but only for the very best and the very brightest yadda yadda


      1. It’s rotten, even the professional world is like that, when they accept their prizes, half the time they had to pay to be on it! I saw a holiday in Turkey, 14 days for about 2 grand, can’t afford it of course, but fuck! 8 grand! That’s a ripper aint it!

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    1. Thanks Matt – I’m starting to realize that everything always works out how it’s supposed to. Even when it looks like a loss, it’s usually for the best.
      He’s ok about it. It’s a ridiculous amount of money which is a red flag about what he’d be going through

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