Full moon energies

My life is a series of Easter eggs. Like a video game but built by someone who knows my family’s karma. I barely know my family’s karma so fixing it is tricky. Should I be responsible for my great grandpa’s missteps? Wouldn’t I love to gain the secrets of the woman who bore my great great grandma? What was life like for her? How many years ago was that? When did she walk the dusty landscape of America?

Am I an island? It’s only a couple hundred years ago yet I know nothing of their stories. There is nothing they were able to gather to pass down. My grandpa who went to the Indian re-education boarding schools and his three acres that was to be divided between 25 grandchildren. My other great grandpa who’s farm moved into his sons holding, not my grandma’s. Not the girl child. The girl child went off and got herself stupid pregnant.

I have no family, only distant relations. I am a family of one. I have no land. I have no cherished possessions. (My mom lost her house and then my grandma’s house once my uncle died and when you don’t have a house, you don’t have a place to keep your stuff so all of that is gone too.)

Those places that were once sanctuaries of hope and possibility? Where did they go? They’re playing info wars. Telling you this is the way to stay safe. Say and do these things as if tomorrow is understood. As if a mortgage and a job will bring humanity into the bright, blue beyond. And you’ll be able to pass down your material possessions to your kids or … the ability to gather material possessions to your kids. Meanwhile, the rules will be changed every decade or so. Because all the karma? Known. I see that most people do not understand karma so they do not understand what it means when criminals know your karmic clues. You could get stuck for eternity. Suddenly the people desperate enough to make sacrifices to the gods makes sense. Because you could never get everyone good enough at the same time. So the cycle would just keep repeating. I know I’ve lost you. It’s ok. It’s just fool moon energy. Different days, different players. Different skin, same outcome.

Survive until the dawning of a new era, when the tip of the cosmic wheel shows us the landscape of the future we never felt good enough to step into. On purpose, we didn’t feel good enough. Because we have always been bound by the weakest link. The frayed edges. The desperate. If you are unable to see the forces without the story, you’ll never weave a story that sees life for what it is. More than a name, rank and serial number, I can tell you that. But you won’t listen and those who would, won’t see.

Even still. Alignment problem? Does one single human have the slightest clue about what is good for even their own selves? Show me. I want to see that person. It will always be band-aids and ketchup. And the number 42. 7 chakras, 6 lives. Goddess number. 13. 4th dimension. The eternal swirl of 8. On it’s side. The story written in 2 dimensions. The 111111… (Douglas Adams reference because I don’t think anyone can actually understand current life on earth paradigms without reading his books.)

And all the meaning applied doesn’t make it meaningful because all of our meaning is derived from peace, from peacefully coexisting. And nothing else. There is no future and no past. There is nothing at all that means anything at all but peacefully coexisting. And to accomplish that? You have to move past thinking some people have a right to it, and some people don’t. Ah, but karma. What to do with karma. There you are, gentlemen, the question to ask the billion dollar planet sized computer. Or ask a kid who hasn’t been put through the education system yet. They probably know. If they’ve been able to be held by both parents. If they’ve slept comfortably in the silence under a blanket of stars and a roof sheltering them from the moon. In a safe home. With a dog at their feet. And a cat chasing mice in the yard.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth. Inherit the earth from whom?

For the slow kids in the back of the classroom. These full moon energies are dealing with deep ancestral karma.

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